Sunday, May 29, 2011

Flight Information

We have officially recieved our flight information, we leave from Seattle at 6:10pm on Thursday June 23rd! Our reminder e-mail is a little scary it says:

- Your cell phone will not work in this area.

- There are no pay phones in our facility.

- bring enough cash for incidentals (cigarettes are $8.85/pack) – there are NO cash advances.

- Bring a hat or cap, a few pairs of warm cloths and a jacket.

- Bring a padlock for your bunkhouse room door (combination locks are recommended so you don’t have to worry about a key).

- If you want Direct Deposit, bring a blank voided check for the account you want your check deposited to.

Hebu Enda!


Summer is finally here, our last day of high school was officially May 27th, 2011! Graduation is this friday the 3rd!